Tutor Num 80613
Above 55 years old
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Above 55 years old
Tutoring Exp
No Experience
Tutor Features
No data
Tutoring overview
Tutor Qualifications
Online courses
Parent comments
[Basic situation] e.g. I am a 24-year DSE graduate, studying in XXXX College, all taught in English, I am relatively patient, I have a unique way of thinking about problem understanding and problem solving, and I can share related skills with students\ n [Personal achievements] e.g. I have excellent grades in school, 4 points in DSE mathematics, and 3 points in others; [Teaching/tutoring experience] e.g. I have no tutoring experience, and I have daily guidance for my younger sister in middle school 4 homework, and exchanged studies with classmates at school; 【Personal advantage】 e.g. can provide the notes written by myself
Tutoring form
Home tutoring
Tutoring area
Primary 2-Primary 4
All Subjects
Main language
Tutor experience
No Experience in institutional tutoring
Academic qualifications
Secondary 5 Graduated
Parent comments
No data
Tuition fee
Tutor Num 80613
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Tuition fee
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