Tutor Num 80587
Above 55 years old
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | 123
Above 55 years old
Tutoring Exp
No Experience
Tutor Features
Guiding homework
Tutoring overview
Tutor Qualifications
Online courses
Parent comments
[Basic situation] e.g. I am a 24-year DSE graduate, studying in XXXX College, all taught in English, I am relatively patient, I have a unique way of thinking about problem understanding and problem solving, and I can share related skills with students\ n [Personal achievements] e.g. I have excellent grades in school, 4 points in DSE mathematics, and 3 points in others; [Teaching/tutoring experience] e.g. I have no tutoring experience, and I have daily guidance for my younger sister in middle school 4 homework, and exchanged studies with classmates at school; 【Personal advantage】 e.g. can provide the notes written by myself
Tutoring form
Home tutoring
Tutoring area
Primary 2-Primary 4
All Subjects
Main language
Tutor experience
No Experience in institutional tutoring
Academic qualifications
Parent comments
No data
Tuition fee
Tutor Num 80587
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | 123
Tuition fee
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